Aktuelles Seminarprogramm

Sommersemester 2024

Die Vorträge beginnen, wenn nicht anders angekündigt, Montags um 14:30 Uhr.

04.11.2024Jens Hauschopp:
Der Einfluss von Ozon auf Vegetation
18.11.2024Lisa Herdt:
Deforestation‐Driven Increases in Shallow Clouds Are Greatest in Drier, Low‐Aerosol Regions of Southeast Asia
25.11.2024Tobias Hempel:
Eignet sich die Traffic Jam Theorie zum Vorhersagen von blockierenden Wetterlagen?
02.12.2024Alina Otto:
The role of large-scale dynamics in an exceptional sequence of severe thunderstorms in Europe May–June 2018
09.12.2024Lucas Reischmann:
A global perspective on the BrO/SO2 ratio inside volcanic gas plumes
16.12.2024Isabel Kurth:
Is Ekman pumping responsible for the seasonal variation of warm circumpolar deep water in the Amundsen Sea?
06.01.2025Kristin Röck:
Simulations of the collection of mesospheric dust particles with a rocket instrument
13.01.2025Lena Metzner:
Multiple Jets as PV Staircases: The Phillips Effect and the Resilience of Eddy-Transport Barriers
20.01.2025Sarah Beuscher:
Aircraft-based observation of meteoric material in lower-stratospheric aerosol particles between 15° and 68° N
Lotte Hauer:
Fragmentation of ice particles: laboratory experiments on graupel-graupel and graupel-snowflake collisions
Alexander Lehr:
Characterization of transport from the Asian summer monsoon anticyclone into the UTLS via shedding of low potential vorticity cutoffs
03.02.2025Tim Peters:
Trends in the atmospheric jet streams are emerging in observations and could be linked to tropical warming